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Of October The 31 Of 1999 - Expedition Of TM Evans
# 1, Colorado
The intention of this trip was to transport vario
the university of the people of Denver, and the materials, to the
cover of TM Evans to the astronomical observatory of the university.
The way been has closed and snowed inside from day of work.
This was a perfect excuse for an excursion of RMM and an
opportunity so that the university evaluates the future use of Unimogs
for the transport to the mountain during the way-closed station.
The trip upon TM Evans was well. We had two 404 cars
of radio of Unimog including:
1) Fred Reim and Judy Gardner, and
2) Bob Ragain and Colleen Ragain,
we had so our cars of minimim 2.
The university was represented by the Dr Bob Stencel (head
of the DU Astronomy Dept), Chris Cudlip (commander of astronomy) and
Colby Jurgenson (student of grad of astronomy).
We satisfied in 0830 in the joint of the lake I throw of
the way to the summit of TM Evans. This way of 15 miles in
length had been closed and blocked in day of work, and has been
several snows since then without maintenance in the way. The
snow was hoped that that mandilaba outside the greatest challenge.
We decided to lead reason why we could before trusting the time
(one hour or more) required to chain upon our tires. The
equipment of the university transferred to ' mogs, along with its
equipment, and we were ready to go.
The Dr Stencel provided the access through the door and we came
upon the way. In the lowest levels around the lake I throw, were
several sections of the snow and the ice covered the ways but no
significant depth. With the many days of the sun from the passed
snow, the way was totally clear in places. It got to be obvious
that the snow that struck the highest steps around Colorado during the
last week, had not reached the altitudes even more discharges of TM
Once we obtained on the line of the tree, the ways were mainly
clear in the southern exhibitions, with the exception of deep drifts,
but continously snowpacked in the faces of the north.
The only significant challenge was in coatings of a north
inclines where some hundreds feet of up to 2 ice and hard crujientes
snow feet required it reserve-and-to strike -- manuevers again.
Even choosing the places of the deluente, some times the cars
would mandilarÃan of side, and maintaining (with dropoff so close)
was done very carefully.
The levels of the snow were not too bad and we never had to
chain for above. The worse drift required to brigade of the
shovel for the reduction of the height of the drift of near 5 feet to
a pair of feet. The traspaleo was made to assure us did not slip
of side, that would have given rise to a fall on 1000 feet to the
bottom of the valley.
The drift was so hard in places that the steel shovels would
penetrate it hardly. An axe was used to interrupt the pieces of
the snow that were sent of the edge of the mountain hardly some feet
far. That work in 12.000 feet really was able ours to flow of
the blood!
Several herds of the goats and the ewes of the mountain looked
like perplexed to see and exits quickly us the scene. During the
tourist station it is common so that the goats come until the
vehicles, looking for the pamphlets. Perhaps we did not seem
tourist in the Unimogs!
We stopped twice in the streching of the way until our legs and
to socialize. To have the way to we ourself was totally unusual
and allowed to stop vehicles to us next to one both to, an pleasant
opportunity of the photo.
The vision from the mountain was spectacular! We could see
probably all the way New Mexico, Kansas, and Wyoming. The sky
was clear and the clean air, and centric Denver uniform seemed clear,
and too much close.
We reached the cover of the much more easy mountain that we
hoped and that one gave additional hour to see that the facilities us
that the university has developed upon there on the years.
There is more information in
The Web site of the observatory of TM Evans
Webcam of TM Evans
he was marked in a picture of the group of our
oxygen-private smiles. That picture will be fixed perhaps to the
Web site soon?
The lunch was one we of of the first ' tasks took care from,
whereas we watched videos on the building of the observatory, the
telescope, the pictures done of the telescope, and the future plans of
the observatory.
The Ragain kitten, left behind down in Littleton, endulged
the impulse of its husband to play with the mirrors, and many flashes
were interchanged on the distance of 50 miles. A mirror of
Unimog (of course) was used until the individuals of the university
provided 3 feet one.
Fred and I took the opportunity to try to work our heaters
of radiobox in that altitude. The heater of Fred had not been
ignited before only he was able it really to work some for the first
time! My heater had been ignited the day before but foot in any
adjustment of the valve did not work in 14k until the mixture was fit
within the heater. Then it worked very well until I closed it
around one hour of more ahead.
130 Fred and I had jets in carbs and decided not to change
to 125's. Both of ours 404's sympthoms superabundant of the mixture
had some, rich scents of exaust, and a little steam that was united,
but both mogs began the right fine every time.
Also I played around with the radio of jamón of the
summit. The cover in the VHF one was excellent, but the time was
too short. We had fixed awhile of exit of 2 of afternoon for
security reasons, and the temperature fell perceivably whereas the sun
began down.
We had an pleasant visit in the cover of the mountain and
the obtained trips of the observatory, the shelters of the survival,
and the building of the generator. We were able to attend with a
certain maintenance (the intention of this trip). Judy spent the
hours that obtained enough distilled water melted, then filling up
four cells of dozen batteries of the system photovoltaic.
The mountain can be implacable. Finally December the
way will be covered totally above with the drifts as much as 20 feet
with deep. The markers of the way throughout the sides of the
ways are that one stop. The files of the temperature in the
observatory have demonstrated as low as less 38 degrees of F in the
last year or therefore, and with winds of good on 100 MPH. There
are rumors of maximum bursts on of 200 MPH in the summit.
Whereas we were the temperature there was in lower years 50,
with the ventea wind near 15 MPH, and with shining sun. We
really had ' rough ' he, eh?
Coming under the mountain was uneventful with the
exception of the magnificent vision of continuation, but the eyes
still were in the way in the difficult points.
Then we ' rescued ' a rider of the bicycle began behind
swallows, that came upon the mountain without preparation and was
elogioso of a stroll behind down. It discovered that spandex
dunked does not provide much protection against the cold and the wind!
The made Unimogs very well. Although I described
this trip like mainly routine for a Unimog, is little occasion that a
regular vehicle could have made the trip, uniforms with the chains.
The Dr Stencel was very elogioso of the effort, and elogioso in
the capacities of mogs. It indicated that there was way one of
his no cars could have made the trip, uniforms with the chains.
They have tried in the past. The Dr Stencel knew the way
so well, and the patrons of the time, that he would outside say that a
correct one to me of the drift around the following curve, and he
would be right.
The university has tried 4x4 SUV and cars, ATV, moving
bodies of the snow, cats of the snow, ' motorcycles of the tests and
even helicopters. The snow is too deep for the normal vehicles,
the hill of the drifts causes the conditions that slip very dangerous
for the ATV, the snowmobiles and the cats of the snow, and hellicopter
hill $1000 per hour. That leaves the Unimog in the cover of the
list of ways practical to prolong the useful station of the
We were happy for accepting the supply of the Dr Stencels
of pizza in beau Jo in the means of Idaho. The good food and the
oxygenated air true (back plain in only 7500 feet) had all the quite
smooth sensation to us. This was a great day!